” The classes met, and actually exceeded, our expectations in many ways. We loved that there are only 4-5 dogs at most, and because of that you were able to answer questions when we had them as well as physically show us how to do things since we are both visual learners. We also loved that you showed us so many skills, but then we could work at our own pace (and Gator’s pace) with the implementation of them… and to be honest, we’re all still working on this! I did feel a bit overwhelmed when we were trying to implement everything we learned at the same time, but then felt much better about it when we started implementing just 1-2 things per week instead. I think it’s important to note that you and your teaching weren’t overwhelming us, it was just that we felt we couldn’t work on all of those things at the same time. We felt that they classes were a good length of time, day of the week, etc. When the classes were busier/louder, the room echoed a bit and it was sometimes hard to hear what you were saying. Otherwise, we felt great about the entire experience! You are clearly very knowledgeable about what you do, and it’s apparent that you care about the dogs and their owners. We love that you only use positive/reward-based training, which is exactly what we wanted. “